Alberta Underwater Council
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Are you a scuba diver, snorkeler or underwater hockey player?
Join the Alberta Underwater Council and become a supporting AUC Member. Only $20 per person/per year. Renewal notices sent after one year. Must agree to fill out, SIGN & agree to: AUC's WAIVER & LIABILITY RELEASE. Contact AUC Office for "YOUTH - Under 18 WAIVER form (if applicable).
Membership dues help support local Alberta diving. Added Benefits include support for:
- Local Alberta Scuba Clubs and Underwater Sports Clubs - like Underwater Hockey (note check with your local club as they often submit your AUC dues on your behalf, e.g. EUHC, UW Outlaws, Wing Divers, etc.)
- Local Alberta Underwater & Beach Cleanups
- Dive Safety Programs
- Fun and local Alberta Dive Events
- Sport Accident and Club Insurance for registered members and clubs
- Divescapes Scuba Conference and Dive Event discounts
- PLUS qualified members automatically entered into Grand Prize draws at year's end (when available)